34th UCR UPMC 2025
*Presentation files can be downloaded as PDF by clicking the title (in progress)
Plenary Session
History of IGRs against ants by Karen M. Vail, The University of Tennessee
What is SPM and what are its implications for urban pest management in California? by Sapna E. Thottathil, CDPR
- SPCB Regulatory Update by Kathy Boyle, Structural Pest Control Board
General Pest Session
Managing Burrowing Rodents by Naimh Quinn, Human-Wildlife Interactions Advisor, UCCE Orange County
Dark rover ant baiting research update by Siavash Taravati, Area Integrated Pest Management Advisor, UCCE Riverside County
Low-impact protocols for Argentine ant control by Dong-Hwan Choe, UC Riverside
A protocol for working with suspected delusional infestations by Karen M. Vail, The University of Tennessee
Control options for managing insecticide-resistant bed bugs by Chow-Yang Lee, UC Riverside
- Investigating Artificial Sweeteners as German Cockroach Insecticides by Shao-Hung (Dennis) Lee, UC Riverside
Wood-Destroying Organism (WDO) Session
WDO Inspection Problems by Tom Ineichen, Structural Pest Control Board
Biology of wood degrading powder post beetles and decay fungi and implications for management and control by Rachel Arango, Research Entomologist, USDA Forest Products Laboratory
WDO Update by Kathy Boyle, Structural Pest Control Board
Drywood termite treatment and impacts by Mike Rust, UC Riverside
Biology of fecal pellets in the western drywood termite and implications for their management by Nicholas Poulos, UC Riverside
The invisible magic: how the termite bait works in the underground nest of subterranean termite colony by Sang-Bin Lee, Assistant Cooperative Extension Urban IPM Advisor, UCCE Solano County & UC IPM