UCR UPMC 2025 photo

34th UCR UPMC 2025

*Presentation files can be downloaded as PDF by clicking the title (in progress)


Plenary Session

  • History of IGRs against ants by Karen M. Vail, The University of Tennessee

  • What is SPM and what are its implications for urban pest management in California? by Sapna E. Thottathil, CDPR

  • SPCB Regulatory Update by Kathy Boyle, Structural Pest Control Board


General Pest Session

  • Managing Burrowing Rodents by Naimh Quinn, Human-Wildlife Interactions Advisor, UCCE Orange County

  • Dark rover ant baiting research update by Siavash Taravati, Area Integrated Pest Management Advisor, UCCE Riverside County

  • Low-impact protocols for Argentine ant control by Dong-Hwan Choe, UC Riverside

  • A protocol for working with suspected delusional infestations by Karen M. Vail, The University of Tennessee

  • Control options for managing insecticide-resistant bed bugs by Chow-Yang Lee, UC Riverside

  • Investigating Artificial Sweeteners as German Cockroach Insecticides by Shao-Hung (Dennis) Lee, UC Riverside


Wood-Destroying Organism (WDO) Session

  • WDO Inspection Problems by Tom Ineichen, Structural Pest Control Board

  • Biology of wood degrading powder post beetles and decay fungi and implications for management and control by Rachel Arango, Research Entomologist, USDA Forest Products Laboratory

  • WDO Update by Kathy Boyle, Structural Pest Control Board

  • Drywood termite treatment and impacts by Mike Rust, UC Riverside

  • Biology of fecal pellets in the western drywood termite and implications for their management by Nicholas Poulos, UC Riverside

  • The invisible magic: how the termite bait works in the underground nest of subterranean termite colony by Sang-Bin Lee, Assistant Cooperative Extension Urban IPM Advisor, UCCE Solano County & UC IPM


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